Our Supportive Model has been woven throughout all our programs and acts as our organisation’s overarching roadmap to delivering personalised, effective, and highly beneficial care to our clients. The Supportive Model was built on the philosophy that every person deserves to live a full meaningful life. We help people live the lives they choose through respecting and honoring their unique needs.
To truly provide personalised care, every activity, procedure, and policy must be supportive in nature. At the core of our model is the person. It has to be. The needs of every person are unique!
At Your Enabled Services (Y.E.S) supports we developed a staff training program and embedded a care plan framework that is supportive in nature, meaning that the behaviors of neurodiversity individuals are recognized, celebrated, and all people are empowered and can be involved in the community should they desire to be.
To develop services to enhance quality of life and individual outcomes for all people we cross paths with.
Enhance quality of life and empower individuals to a life of fullness.
Our focus is on the individual (person centred care) of the individual, so services, programs are designed taking into account their unique needs, interests, and care.